Many times you come across a situation when you are not able to play games or get games for your Windows PC and you still get good games for your consoles like PS3 or xBox 360, well so in that case you only have once choice to dump your PC and get a costly console setup so that you can play all those games right away, well but now we have any easy and free option available that will allow you to play PS3 games right on your Windows PC without any lag or glitches.
Using a simple software called "PS3 Emulator" you can easily emulate all your PS3 console games right on your windows PC, you can configure controls, hold graphics options pretty much everything. Now the best part about this emulator is that it allows you to run PS1 and PS2 games onto it too, so if you have few older version games that not problem this emulator will work perfectly.
So this emulator comes with a drag and drop option, so just drop any .ISO file and the game loads automatically and you are able to play it smoothly. Now check below steps on how to load and play games using this emulator.
Download PS3 Emulator
- After downloading this tool double click ton run it, now you will see screen like something on the right.
- Now just choose
File > Open ROM > From Disk or from DVD. - So you got two choices, choose whatever you have and then select the file, that's it now your game will load automatically.
- So you obviously have bunch of options that you can fiddle up with, so changing few settings and activating cheats everything is @ your disposal.
So that's pretty much it, hopefully this will help you @ times of Windows Games crisis, well do check below video that will clear all your doubts on how this emulator works and this game has even given demo for God of War, so you will just love it.
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